Sabtu, 04 Februari 2012

Kambing Jantan : Catatan Harian Pelajar Bodoh

Hi friends! I went back to the first book review that Dika Raditya goat-book tells of his time while still in high school, this book also tells of his writings on the blog and eventually this book on the film. Let's start the story.
Dika Raditya had acne and it has a lot of moms who every day to clean up pimples and acne medication in use must be recovered after it is in use mama cloth to clean his face was in his father's pants hahaaha.

The second story when he was passing in a kingdom where he saw his writing that read "NO DOGS EXCEPT HERE URINE" he was shocked to see the text.
Maybe I can just tell a little story of this book because there are too many stories in this book.

Sabtu, 07 Januari 2012

Manusia Setengah Salmon

In my new post I'll tell you a little content of the book "Manusia Setengah Salmon" here Raditya Dikatold that his father asked her to do physical exercises every day fart, his father taught him that every morning fart as well. here also recounted how he had just broken up with his ​​girlfriend she did not imagine breaking up with his girlfriend. He became acquainted with the Dutch who named Perek that in Indonesia the meaning of that name may be in saydirty words. and the episode I remember most is that he tells his driver that body odor, butthe driver does not feel when he is body odor. he was looking for any way to make thedriver is not body odor because he was with his driver to go to work because it does notstand the smell of the driver body deodorants He immediately gave it to her, but the next day his driver and body odor still Raditya Dika asked "you put on deodorant when? "" I use it before bed "replied the driver in the heart Dika why there can be this stupid people weardeodorant before bed, Oliver immediately told him to put on deodorant before the wheeland the next driver FINALLY has no smell anymore. The story I got here just waiting for my next postings ;)

Jumat, 09 Desember 2011

Marmut Merah Jambu

In this new post I will tell you about his book, namely guinea pig pink in this book tell how Raditya Dika met his first love while still in school. Here also the experience of love tell when it has already completed work and study in Australia.

There are also he told her cat and the cat in this book seemed to write what happens in everyday life even in telling this cat can draw so funny right? .

Raditya Dika also wrote a letter to the secretary of trade and ad 1 plaing funny thing is about how the stages of dating so if you are curious to read this book please buy it at the seaside masi on sale. As for the high school's first fitting he makes the team detectives do not forget to comment on my post so thank you.

I'll share a video stand comedy from Radirya Dika that she says is the hardest part comedy karen using words.

Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

A Story Of Raditya Dika

 Do you know who is Raditya Dika ? if you don't know let me tell you about him . I will describe him especially about his books . There are Kambing Jantan , Marmut Merah Jambu , Babi Ngesot , Radikus Makankakus , Cinta Brontosaurus , and the new book Manusia Setengah Salmon will publish in 24th December 2011 . First , I will tell you Kambing Jantan . It is his book which is became to be a film . It is tell you about his life in senior high school until university . And his book Marmu Merah Jambu tell you about his of story love in junior high school untill university . And in the next post Iwill menjelsakan about his book one by one .